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15th AF photos wanted.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:39 pm
by terveurn
For book number 3 (Boeing B-17G-35 through 45 BO’s) missing a whole bunch of photographs for the 15th AF ships.

They are all block 35's ships (42-31932 / 42-32116) and to be missing 33's photo (out of 185 aircraft) is a pretty big hole.

Majority came from the 483rd BG (Project: 90556 R) as new ships when they were assigned overseas in later March 1944. Majority were subsequently taken by the 99th BG in exchange for very well worn B-17F & G’s.

As it can be seen, since a lot of them are sequential sisters, not having these photos, makes a big gap in the coverage.

Hoping to obtain whatever photos are available.

1 42-31998 99th BG Baraz Twins
2 42-32010 483rd BG
3 42-32013 99th BG Ole Mose
4 42-32015 99th BG Action Preferred
5 42-32017 483rd BG Sweet 17
6 42-32021 99th BG
7 42-32022 2nd BG Lonesome Polecat
8 42-32031 2nd BG Mammy Yokum
9 42-32033 99th BG Rita Ann
10 42-32035 99th BG
11 42-32036 99th BG
12 42-32039 99th BG Rabid Rabbit
13 42-32041 99th BG
14 42-32043 483rd BG
15 42-32052 99th BG
16 42-32056 99th BG
17 42-32057 99th BG
18 42-32058 2nd BG
19 42-32062 99th BG
20 42-32063 99th BG
21 42-32064 99th BG Going
22 42-32065 99th BG El Diablo
23 42-32068 99th BG Heaven Can Wait
24 42-32069 99th BG
25 42-32071 99th BG MoonbeanBeam McSwine
26 42-32077 483rd BG Pantie Annie
27 42-32100 301st BG Ragged but Right (AZON ship)
28 42-32103 301st BG (AZON ship)
29 42-32104 301st BG St Francis (AZON ship)
30 42-32107 301st BG (AZON ship)
31 42-32108 301st BG FuBaR (AZON ship)
32 42-32110 99th BG
33 42-32111 483rd BG

Re: 15th AF photos wanted.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 7:10 pm
by terveurn
42-31998 now showed-up

From an article on Stanton M Rickey who went MIA in Baraz Twins II.
42-31998 bb.JPG

Re: 15th AF photos wanted.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 1:07 pm
by terveurn
and now 42-32031 show's up

slowly finding aircraft...

come-on guys help me out with some pictures........................
42-32031 bb done.jpg

Re: 15th AF photos wanted.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 9:32 am
by bioteror
can this be El Diablo of 99BG? Did not find any other such named B-17

Re: 15th AF photos wanted.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 9:56 pm
by zoran983
No this is the original one, an earlier F model, also from the 99th BG.

It's quite possible that 42-32065 had the same style lettering, as I suppose its name was based on the original El Diablo pictured here, but even after more than 15 years of searching, still not a single photo of it appeared, at least to my knowledge.