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"Chuckie Flys Again"

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 2:41 pm
by Tom Crawford
I received this from a friend that has been working on "Chuckie" up in Fort Worth.

Just wanted to let everyone know that apparently over the weekend, B-17G "Chuckie" took to the sky for a test flight after being grounded for several years. It is really good to know she's back in the air again...She flew for about an hour with no problems other than no#3 running a little rich. Once back on the ground, Doc Hospers was seen shedding a tear. He and Chuckie, the ground crew, the air crew and the living history group were all there to witness the event. Once she was in the air, cars from around the area began to stream into the museum as people all over Fort Worth saw the plane flying again. "What a beautiful day boys...looks like we're back in business. We already have plans to make the Denton Air Show then "Chuckie" is scheduled to fly to Detroit for a big show that will include several other B-17's" Plans are in the works to take her to Midland and possibly Houston in October if all goes well.

This posting was edited from the original message recieved on another
groups site from Bob Hopkins who was apparently involved directly along with others in getting "Chuckie" back in the air.