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Question about 12 O'Clock High

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:43 am
by DryMartini
I was reading some of the reviews of "12 O'Clock High" (the movie)
at the web site, and I noted that someone wrote that the
original ending had General Savage dying on a mission. Now, I realize
the movie is 55+ years old, but does anyone know of, or know where
to look, for this "original" ending to the film.
Anyone have any stories or recollection of this?


Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:11 pm
I have copies of a pre-production and a production script, and no where do they say anything about General Savage being killed.

Also, the original story has him driving off to see his girl friend at the end.

How about another few questions?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:34 pm
by DryMartini
You seem to be the correct person to ask. :D

1) My father had told me that some of the movie was
re-shot, as Savage was coming across too heavily to
be likable.

2) Gregory Peck supposedly agreed to do the role after some 40 pages
of the script was cut/re-written. Is your original script copy before or
after the cut, and if before, what was cut?

3) Any idea where I should look to get my own copy of the script?
