Rant about a raw deal

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Rant about a raw deal

Post by DryMartini »

I've kept this to myself to see how things all play out, but
with the return of this board, I thought I'd see just how off base I am.
Obviously this is my perspective on things, but I feel I have a pretty
level overall view.

Months ago on a Monday night, I heard about some radial engine
parts being scrapped. I got a hold of a contact, and over the course
of 3 days, came to be the party on the top-of-the-list to obtain the
parts before they hit the smelter. I was told to arrange a trip out
to see the parts, to show that we "were serious" about obtaining them.

Well, by Thursday, the deal went from donating them to a 501c3 org, to
scrap value. Ok. Then, another guy called offering $$$ sight unseen
for the parts, and the deal became "fair value". I should have known
what was happening, but we were looking for a break, and we really
thought we had a good shot at getting these parts for a decent price - ie:
one that we could afford.

Well, with the other bidder, I was told to fly out there ASAP. So, I booked
Mike and myself tickets, with just 2 days notice (read: Big $$$).

It was a good trip. We got to the place, was shown around for hours,
took notes about what was available, and toward mid-afternoon, sat
down to talk turkey. We impressed to the guys that we were looking
for help with the restoration, that we didn't have a bankroll behind
us, and the parts we had just seen would help us out tremendously.
We showed them magazine articles, the recent Chicago Tribune write up
on the project, and pictures of the plane. We presented T-Shirts to the
president and main administrator, as well as our contact. We were told
to come up with an offer and get it to them in a few days.

Mike and I talked, and came up with an offer, about 2xscrap value,
figuring that we could come up a bit, and submitted it Wednesday.
By late Friday, when I had not heard anything, I called to make sure
they got it. I was told "Yes, we got it." This gave me a bad feeling,
so I asked about the general thought. I got a short, curt, "We think
your offer is low.". I replied that we offered in line with what we had
talked about earlier that week, and that I would give him our figures
which lead to our offer, which emailed to him. I heard nothing for a
few more days. I called my contact, who told me that "They were
appalled with our offer, and will not call you back. He said that you
guys have a B-17, and must have money." He informed me
that they were talking to the guy who offered $$$ sight unseen, even
though his past as a parts dealer was dodgy. They sold him the parts in
the end. I never got so much as an email back, nor a thank you for
the T-shirts.


I should have known better than to get my hopes up and spend a
wad of $$$ that could have gone into longerons for the B-17, but
I feel that I was owed AT LEAST a call back, if not a counter offer.
What ever happened to common courtesy?????
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Post by jpeters »

Hey Bill,

Been there done that...although I never had to travel somewhere to get the shaft like you did.

I had a similar incident with a guy out of Arizona who wanted to sell me a bunch of ball turret stuff. He contacted me (not the other way around) off of my barnstormers want ad. After I said I was interested and to please name his price...the SOB vanishes on me. I spent the better part of 5 months trying to email and call this guy and every time he had an excuse as to why he couldn't sell or that he was real busy, etc. Towards the end he just wouldn't answer the phone. I finally got ahold of him after 5 months and he tells me "they're no longer for sale...quit calling!" So much for common courtesy.

I had another well known collector in the business play the same game. "I have part A,B,C you're looking for". I say..."cool, how much?" He then gets nasty and says "what's it worth to you?" Of course they're expecting about 5 times what the part's worth. I just can't figure out guys like this. They must get some sort of "high" or a rush when it comes to toying with people on warbird parts. This guy also likes to send pics of his "collection". When asked if he'll sell part "A" in the picture, he says yes...but then comes back a couple days later and says he wants to hang onto the part.

Thanks for the topic Bill...this is one most people can relate to!

Last edited by jpeters on Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by aerovin2 »

Bill, I guess the $$$ rule in the end. Somebody took an opportunity make a few extra $$$ at the expense of helping out a solid effort to get one of these airplanes back in the air. What goes around comes around, I guess, but it's too bad you guys had to spend money to find out all the seller wanted to do was sell to the highest bidder. He should have just said that up front.
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After cooling down...

Post by DryMartini »

I was just a bit hot when I wrote the note above :oops:

As a follow up, I did just get a price list for some other
stuff that they still had. The prices are in line with what
I'd pay from businesses elsewhere. For those prices, I'd
rather buy things from a more reputable source.

I have an idea for another topic which I'll post soon,
hinging on restorations, volunteers and money.
B-17E 41-2595 "Desert Rat" Restoration Team
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Post by jpeters »

No need to apologize Bill....you had every right to be angry and upset at these jokers.

It's unfortunate that some of these parts dealers automatically assume you were born with a silver spoon in your "arss" and have wads of money spilling out of your pockets...after all "you must have money....you're restoring a B-17 for god's sake". :lol:

Keep up the good work and don't hold back on us...it's good to vent and let it all out!

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Post by OldBillB17F »

Hopefully you all don't get burned again Bill. If I had an inventory of B-17 parts, I would be giving them away to any B-17 resto group that needed them. I would do all I could to help another Fortress be added to the flying list.
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