B-17F 42-3027 - An African Adventure

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B-17F 42-3027 - An African Adventure

Post by Phixer09 »

The following website states that the crew of a B-17 Fortress force landed in Portuguese Guinea, West Africa March 1943.
https://www.portugal1939-1945.org/en/po ... se-guinea/

The extract quoted below from the Kisamore file on the 306BG website makes some interesting comments which are intriguing!
"Re the African Adventure . It has grown by leaps and bounds. What I knew from three letters that Pan Am had managed to get out, was a mere fraction of the adventures they had. It involved sizeable sums of money for their release, under cover activities so that the neutrality of Guiana was not endangered, aircraft repair, theivery, and oh so much more."

The identity of the B-17 is believed to be 42-3027.
The IARC for this aircraft has less data than other planes around that serial. It is quoted as being assigned to GLEN [Project 92018-R] 4th March 1943 and, typically, I would expect the plane to be in Marrakech, French Morocco with 7-10 days [mid-March 1943].
GLEN 31043 31043 no explanation for this entry [it might indicate a date when it was reported stuck somewhere en route]
CON INF GLEN A 83143 9 743 I believe this is only a condemned entry
There is also a handwritten entry ‘interned’.

Would anyone have anything further to add to what may prove to be an interesting story?
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